Tuesday, May 12, 2009


WOW, Kyle has officially completed his master's degree. Tonight he took his last test! WOO HOO It was a cool moment realizing that he is done with school FOREVER, not counting professional development through work. When he came home I asked him if he was going to get his doctorate in accounting. He said NO! :) I am super proud of him and amazed at the work ethic he has to complete both his bachelors and masters in 5 years. Now I need to decide what to get my masters in and then we can both be done, in a bunch of years and a few babies later. HAHA!

We graduate on Saturday! I will post pictures of the big day when I get a chance.

Only 25 more days at Clinton Elementary School...it has been a crazy and amazing experience.


Gerardo, Sara , Katy Lou & Elena said...

Congrats Kyle! You're the first in the fam with a masters...do you feel smarter? Be proud of your accomplishment and get working on those babies:) Love you guys lots!

Eric and Carol: said...

YAY for Kyle and you too Krystin!!!! I know it's awesome to have the feeling of accomplishment and "saying goodbye" to school forever (well, Krystin, at least as a student anyway)... but you're gonna miss it! Enjoy these last few days/moments... you're lives are entering a new chapter!