Friday, November 6, 2009

Year 23!

24 is upon me .... HOLY COW... where has my life went. I just can't believe everything that has happened in year 23. It has been QUITE the year! Now I shall reflect...

1. I celebrated my first birthday as a married woman.
2. I taught in a 7th grade and 3rd grade classroom. I loved them both but preferred 3rd.
3. I graduated from college.
4. I learned many lessons about being married.
5. I learned many lessons about living on a budget.
6. Kyle and I lived with my parents.
7. I had my first classroom at summer school.
8. My youngest brother graduated from high school making my parents empty nesters.
9. Nikki and Emily Ann got married.
10. I got my first teaching job! WOO HOO
11. I was/am exhausted from that teaching job!
12. I had the swine flu!
13. Kyle and I drove to PA to get Nala on his golden birthday...we had dinner at the Cracker Barrel! YUM!
14. We moved to Hartland only to find out how perfectly close it was to both our jobs.
15. I was accepted to grad school.
16. We got bikes to help us stay fit.
17. We found out that we are going to aunts & uncles AGAIN x2!!! WOO!
18. We celebrated our one year anniversary by going to Door County!
19. Brett Favre went to the Vikings.
20. We learned to go to bed very early because of our old age! :)

WOW...I told you it was quite the year and I am sure much more happened that I can't remember at the moment! I really feel very blessed by the life God has given me. My husband is so kind, my puppy is cute, my family is wonderful, I LOVE my job, I have great friends, and I am excited about the future. Thank you for being part of my 24 years on this earth! :)


Eric and Carol: said...

Wow! That was a busy year.... You know what's funny? I was a little confused that you were 24 because I was convinced that I was 23.... only to realize 5 minutes later that I'm 26!!!!!! Can you stop getting older, it's making me feel old! Hope you enjoyed your birthday!!!

Gerardo, Sara , Katy Lou & Elena said...

A good year of firsts! One would like to say that as you get older, time slows down, but it doesn' just goes faster and faster. Enjoy every minute of your 24th year!