8 Month pictures because I can't get the post to move around the perfect way! :)
This has been an eventual month for Cole! He no longer is immbobile...at all! He is constantly moving and talking. Only 3 weeks until summer and I am beyond thrilled to be with him 24-7!
- Cole is wearing 6-9 month clothing. It is quite big on him but the 6 month clothing was too winter themed so I have to break out the next batch. He has tons of shorts to wear so we NEED warm weather!
- Cole is crawling. When he gets excited he does this fast crawl like he can't get to it fast enough. Really cute.
- Cole is talking. Well, blabbling. We thought he said Na-La one morning and Da-Da once. Nothing permanent though just alot of noises.
- Cole is sleeping consistently through the night. He had a rough stretch with getting a nasty cold that he had to take meds for and then teething stuff (no teeth yet). Since then he is now sleeping 8:15-5:15. AMEN! It feels much nicer.
- Cole went to his first Brewers game and he did very well.
- Cole pulls him up on everything...he is slowly starting to let go and stand for a second and then drops. It is so funny to watch him test the waters. I noticed that he started walking along the couch today. OMG!
- Since he is crawling so well, I have noticed that he is much more content when playing.
- This means we lowered the crib...he was pulling himself up and pulling at his laundry basket.
- Another thing is he has gotten lots of bumps from falling all the time. Oops!
- He eats ALOT! Every four hours, bottle, food, etc. He has gotten very good at opening his mouth to eat and feeding himself finger foods.
- One of my favorite things that he does is explore his book baskets. It just reminds me of a little kid and I am so thankful that he is starting to look at them...now if only he will continue this throughout life. Dorky teacher thing!
- Cole LOVES to be outside! He has spent lots of time outside with his sitters and with us on the weekend and after school. He enjoys watching Nala run around and playing with the grass. OOO..makes me so excited for summer.
- We have stared playing high five which includes me saying high five as I use Cole's hand to high five me.
- He has done some waving so we practice saying bye bye.
Oh my goodness!! When did he get so big!!!!???? Very cute update :)
It's amazing how fast they grow up! I totally do the book thing too! Katy loves them and recently Elena is doing the same thing of looking through her book basket. Only one week of school left!
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