Saturday, September 12, 2009

Our Apartment Video

I know you have all been waiting for it! Here is a quick video of our new apartment, just like last time, I apologize for the shakey hands and quick turns. We are enjoying living here and are still working on making it homey. I can't imagine how we are ever going to fill a house when we are already having problems filling a two bedroom apartment. Enjoy the video and come visit! :)


Gerardo, Sara , Katy Lou & Elena said...

Very nice! Gera says that it's huge...we know how you feel about filling up an apartment, but believe it or not, it happens (especially when you have kids). Very nicely decorated, like always. When you come down you can help me with mine. I need help getting things together. Can't wait to see it in real life!

Eric and Carol: said...

you have only lived in your apartment for less than 2 months, and you already have filled and decorated it more than I have with my house over the past year!!!! Looks great. Can't wait to see it.

Ashley said...

Your apartment is big compared to mine! I love it! It looks great!

jsVanEss said...

I LOVE your new background... good think you know all these cute websites to get backgrounds from. Now I'm going to browse that one and get a new one! he he

p.s. your place looks fantastic! Oh, and I am still waiting to see your classroom :)