Friday, February 27, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

I will never ask for a post from Sara or Carol ever again. I usually am able to post once a week but now being on a "real-world" schedule I have been unable to even think about what to write. Then if you throw in a baby...WHOA! Things have been good. I don't have new pictures to share, the only ones that I have been taking are of my class and events that have happened in school. So here is a little update...
KYLE: He has been feeling a little overwhelmed lately. School has finally caught up with him and he has made a lot of commitments to do taxes for people. Funny story: We didn't have school for a full day yesterday and I was pretty giddy and running all over the place. So, Kyle catching onto my mood wanted to wrestle he tried to pick me up and pulled a muscle in his back! From this we learned two lessons. First, he needs to start moving again. Second, he is not a young duck anymore. :) So we iced it and gave him some Tylenol and it is feeling somewhat better. He is not out of bed yet, so we will see how it is this morning.
KRYSTIN: I love going to school every morning but the experience is much different then I thought it would be. I thought I would have taken over the entire classroom by now but I have not. I thought I would be teaching more but I feel like the classroom aid at times. The kids do not listen or care about anyone but themselves until Sue raises her voice at them and they are silent. I really care about teaching because I think it is so much more then just the knowledge you acquire. The character skills that are built by working with others and being with people you don't always like are so important. These kids have a difficult time with that. But even though it is a hard road I am learning a lot about teaching and how to deal with certain students with problems. Monday is Dr. Seuss's birthday and I am in charge so I AM EXCITED!! It is also Read Across America Day, so take some time to read to your child or to yourself!
KYLE & KRYSTIN: We have been looking to the future making 1, 5, & 10 year goals. This has been fun. We have also been constantly revising the way we do the budget and planning for the summer because I will be teaching for half days but we don't know what Kyle will be doing yet. It will be good to be home for one more summer to be able to spend time with both families a lot. We are also trying to plan a little shindig for Spring Break. I hope I can find a deal so Kyle will go for it!!! :)
That's the update! I hope everyone is well, I feel like it has been forever since we have seen everyone. We love you and think of you often! Have a fabulous weekend!


The Wolfs said...

Thanks for the update Krystin!!!:):)

Gerardo, Sara , Katy Lou & Elena said...

Krystin, don't worry about asking for a blog update...its nice to be asked for one once in a while because then I know that someone is reading them and it makes all the effort and time worthwhile. Teaching is a challenge, but so rewarding. How many days to do you have left in the classroom? A suggestion that I can recommend is on your planning periods, if you have them and don't have anything pressing to do, ask to oberserve some other teachers. The more teaching styles you observe, the easier it is to find out what works for you and what doesn't. Don't feel discouraged, teaching is a challenge at first, but once you fall into your rhythem (about the 2nd or 3rd year you teach)you'll love it!

momma b said...

Hi Krystin,
I was happy to hear of your has been awhile. Yes, the real world has its challenges, but I know you are ready for them. I am proud of you. Keep working hard... and good job at blaming Kyle's lack of movement for his back problem and not your weight! heehee Love, mom

Eric and Carol: said...

Isn't grown up life glamorous!? So, if you need some ideas or deals for Spring Break... call me, I have seen some pretty awesome ones.